Tuesday, September 18, 2012

How we got here....

Viktor and Kristen Rozsa were born and raised in two very different worlds, but God brought them uniquely together for His divine purposes and plan. Viktor is from Hungary and became a Christian under the Hungary English camp ministries of One Mission Society in 1996. God called him into full-time ministry shortly after, and he began working with OMS Hungary in 1999. God gave him a desire to pursue formal theological education, which ultimately led to studying in the United States, beginning in 2004. He received his bachelor of arts degree in youth ministry from Circleville Bible College in 2007.

Kristen was born and raised in Indiana and became a Christian as a teenager. God used mission trips in her youth to prepare her heart for His call on her life to become a full-time missionary. She continued to be involved with international missions while attending Indiana Wesleyan University, where she graduated with a bachelor of science degree in psychology, with a minor in addictions counseling, in 2004. Kristen worked at World Gospel Mission headquarters as their volunteer coordinator following her graduation in 2004 until she and Viktor married in 2007.

Viktor and Kristen moved to Kentucky a year after they were married for Viktor to continue his education at Asbury Theological Seminary. They were accepted as full-time missionaries to Hungary with OMS in February 2010 and look forward to reaching this goal soon. Viktor graduated with a master’s of divinity degree in May 2012 and is ready to return to Hungary to reach his own people for Christ. Both Viktor and Kristen have a burden for youth and young adults and look forward to preparing the next generation of Christian leaders in Europe through discipleship, preaching and teaching.

Viktor and Kristen have two young daughters, Emily and Gabriella.

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